A Sneak Peek - Flowers Gold Coast Corporate Event Flowers
Flowers Gold Coast was approached for a corporate End of Year Event for the Princess Polly Christmas Party.
Being the end of the year they wanted to treat their staff to an awesome party paired with a Fantastic Hanging Flower Frame for their Photos Area!
The Flower theme for this corporate event was "Bright Colour Infusion" to make everything about the event just "pop!"
Given this was the stage for the Night's Photos to be set, we wouldn't be a great florist if we didn't test it for ourselves either! We're pretty happy with the outcome, although we were worried that the Flowers might steal the show.
Feedback from the client was fantastic, and everyone loved the Flowers on display, they'll happily send some more photos through which we can't wait to see more of!
Interested in having Flowers Gold Coast support you in your Corporate Event? Get in touch and we'll be happy to create something amazing.